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Get Ready to Learn about Cholesterol! (2:02)
What Medical Doctors Know about Heart Disease
Is Heart Disease a Problem? (1:24)
What is Heart Disease? (1:37)
Risk Factors for Heart Disease (2:01)
High Cholesterol is Dangerous (2:48)
The Medical Treatments for Cardiovascular Disease
The Typical Recommendations (3:14)
Start Looking at Medications Differently (0:58)
The Effects of Cholesterol Lowering Drugs (3:14)
The Risks of Taking Statins (3:17)
Do Statins Actually Help? (4:06)
Why are Statins so Dangerous? (1:27)
Why is Drugging the Heart a Bad Idea? (1:59)
What is Atherosclerosis? (4:56)
What is LDL Cholesterol? (3:52)
Inflammation is a Healing Process (4:30)
The Myth about Cholesterol (11:02)
Is High Cholesterol Genetic? (6:41)
What is a Stroke? (4:30)
Healthy Blood vs Toxic Blood (6:24)
Do Chiropractors Cause Strokes? (4:10)
Put the Risk into Perspective (13:55)
What Causes Strokes? (11:13)
What Else Causes Strokes? (9:53)
Medical vs Holistic Healthcare
The Dark Ages of Medicine (3:49)
The Rise of NCD's (3:24)
The New Healthcare Paradigm (7:29)
What Causes Cardiovascular Disease?
New Directions for Prevention (3:59)
The Nervous System's Role in Cardiac Function (6:48)
How Do You Check the Nervous System? (4:34)
The Anatomy and Physiology of the Cardiovascular System (4:47)
The Functions of Blood (4:46)
Blood Vessels (5:45)
So, What's the Cause? (1:58)
How Stress Affects Your Heart (6:18)
How Chronic Stress Affects Your Body (10:04)
What Happens when Your Body Adapts to Chronic Stress? (10:22)
The First Step to Restoring Your Health
What's the First Step? (0:44)
Chemical Stress- Vaccinations (10:52)
Avoid Vaccinating if it's Possible (4:18)
Chemical Stress- Toxic Food (6:10)
Chemical Stress- Toxic Sweeteners (2:43)
Chemical Stress- Medications (4:40)
Physical Stress- Traumatic Injury (4:02)
Physical Stress- Sedentary Lifestyle (3:27)
Physical Stress- Excessive Exercise (3:59)
Emotional Stress (1:29)
How Medical Doctors Treat Emotional Stress (7:44)
How Emotional Hormones Affect Your Body (4:39)
Reducing Your Stressors is the Key! (3:14)
The 5 Keys to Health
Could the Solution Be that Simple? (2:43)
#1- Proper Nerve Supply (4:35)
How Structure Affects Function (3:18)
Restoring the Nerve Supply (5:48)
Surgery is the Last Resort (3:11)
How do I find a Good Chiropractor? (4:21)
#2 Regular Exercise (2:22)
How Should I Exercise? (1:59)
How to Exercise if You Can't Exercise (1:51)
#3 Proper Nutrition: Water (3:13)
Healing the Gut (3:30)
Healthy Fats (5:35)
The Myth about Vegetable Oils (2:13)
The Optimal Diet (3:39)
The Benefits of Garlic (2:47)
Resveratrol and the French Paradox (1:40)
How Nuts Affect Your Heart (2:16)
Vitamin D (3:13)
#4 Sufficient Rest- Why is Sleep Important? (2:23)
Sleep Restrictive Therapy (4:47)
#5 - Prayer and Meditation (2:57)
Reprogramming Your Brain (3:04)
The Benefits of Meditation (2:17)
Neurolinguistic Programming (4:33)
The Simple Key to Optimal Health
Purity and Sufficiency (3:00)
What is LDL Cholesterol?
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